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Top 5 tips for successful Office 365 adoption

GreenDot Consulting’s proven Office 365 adoption guide Office 365 is an amazing technology platform for enabling collaboration. Yet, almost all organisations miss the concept that turning on technology that enables collaboration does not guarantee collaboration. The promised benefits are often not realised due to the gap between users’ skills and their understanding of all the…

Double-down on cloud security

How two-factor authentication for Office 365 keeps your employees secure while flexibly working In an era of flexible working and mobile devices, data security is a big concern. Tools like Office 365 have enabled new ways for employees to work from anywhere and any device, with the same access to data via the cloud as…

Is your intranet actually doing its job?

Get your SharePoint information architecture sorted to enhance collaboration Creating a SharePoint intranet with planning your information architecture is like building a house without plans. You can do it, but the flow of your house will be all over the place and you’ll find yourself missing those boring but important details like plumbing. Information architecture,…

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